My Blog
My Blog
Front-row seat to the universe
I’m basking in my front-row seat to the universe right now during a night flight on a clear night. I have always loved looking at the stars. The depth and expansiveness instantly shift my perspective from whatever earthly thing I was worried about - to wonder, awe,...
she used to climb trees…
She used to climb trees, enjoying the thrill of her strong body skillfully navigating the higher branches, while happily wearing her brothers’ clothes. Riding her bike for hours, excitedly peddling up hills while anticipating the rush of lifting her feet off the...
a woman’s guide to self-love and survival during hard seasons
We all experience “survival only” times of our lives; a pandemic is for sure one for them, especially when you add whatever hard thing you were already walking through. You know you are in such a season when your heart hurts, your brain is melting, and you want to...
I don’t know about you but I’m kinda stubborn. Surrendering anything is super hard for me. Control in parenting, choice of paint color, anything. The curse of the recovering perfectionist. In addition to that personality trait, my childhood experience had me toughen...
I received this vision a while ago while I was venting to a friend in complete frustration. I knew I wanted to connect to spirit and receive more, yet “in actuality,” I vented, “I zig and zag to complete exhaustion!” – ah-ha. That felt big to understand. When we are...
How to know when your strong emotions are lying to you
Here’s a super subtle thing I teach, that winds up making all the difference in the world to a girl’s self-perception, inner confidence, and divine connection: There is a difference between ‘the truth’ (Divine truth) Vs what ‘feels true’ (wounded truth) about...
what if you aren’t lacking patience, but boundaries?
When my kids were little, I tried so hard to have patience. Everyone would tell me how patient I was, but they weren’t around at that moment when I lost it. That moment where my head would start to spin and I was outside of my body watching, as this lady I barely...
How to know when you need to step up your boundaries game.
Did you know that many women equate saying ‘no’ with ‘I don’t care about you’? If you struggle with speaking up about what you want, often feeling like your relationships are not reciprocal, you are not alone, my friend! That big old heart of yours is playing tricks...
I let go of things I cant control – wait, how to do I do that again?
I remember feeling as a little girl, when my Dad was driving us somewhere, that I was totally safe. Lying down in the back seat in the 70’s without a seat belt was peaceful for me. I knew my job was to rest in his care, and I did so completely. I like to remember...
Inner Child Connection and Healing
One of the most healing experiences I personally experienced, after many years of different types of talk therapy, was spiritual inner child work. I love sharing this modality with others, to other healers and individuals looking to heal in a deeper way. What is...
If you have any questions about any programs, please email me –