My Blog

My Blog

I am so freaking strong!!

I am so freaking strong!!

I really am. but sometimes I forget. Self Reflection – It's one of my favorite tools I want to share, so you can remind yourself you are strong too when you forget. A tool to remember, to find the truth behind your fears. Remember all you have been through? that time...

Fear….(gulp) My Greatest GIFT

Fear….(gulp) My Greatest GIFT

A few years ago I would have missed the meaning behind this. I was too afraid of stepping out and being fully me ...afraid of failure, afraid of judgement. I didn't see fear as a gift at all. I was paralyzed. I am an empath and a healer as well as a trained coach. I...

Are you a Good Mom?

Are you a good mom? We all worry about that one. Motherhood looks and feels different for everyone, so how do we know, truly? The way we chose to spend our time, the type of parent we mostly are and our automatic reactions under stress are all unique for each of us....

Perfectionism Stinks!

Perfectionism Stinks!

I need a rant.. Perfectionism stinks!! It robs so many wonderful women of peace and joy. It is at the root of ‘all or nothing’ behavior, it supports negative self-talk and comparing ourselves to others, and creates low self-esteem and depression. It turns altruism...

Beginner’s Guide To Saying “No”

Beginner’s Guide To Saying “No”

Did you know that the need to please can be so ingrained in women that we equate saying no with saying "I don't care about you?? Well that’s just silly, right? As promised, tips on successful setting personal boundaries and guarding them like your happiness depends on...

Insomnia? Busy Brain? Worry?

Insomnia? Busy Brain? Worry? Ahh the very misguided musings of a tired, overthinking mind. Goddess, Your thoughts just aren't that special! We put too much faith in our intellect when we aren't centered and balanced. Thoughts are just thoughts. We all have them, lots...

Why is it so hard to say “No”?

Oh how often I fantasized about actually saying this to someone as I battled with my will to please over the years! Why can it be so hard to say no? Until I got a handle on this, at times, I would run myself ragged doing too many things, sometimes out of obligation...

If you have any questions about any programs, please email me –